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Merino Kids Cream & Navy Fair Isle Sweater

Merino Kids Cream & Navy Fair Isle Sweater

Merino Kids Cream & Navy Fair Isle Sweater


So... I have already done crazy things like combining Entrelac and Fair Isle in some of the previous projects. As some of you alreaady know, I love challenging myself to learn new things. The little bit of Fair Isle knitting I have done in the other projects is literally just working on a one entrelac square at a time. And being inspired by so many wonderful creators who I follow on Instagram, like @knittingsee and his wonderful Fair Isle knits, I thought I would give it a go properly and knit a full Fair Isle Sweater. I love it! Thank you one and all for inspiring me to learn new techniques! 🙏💙🤍💙 🙏


What should I learn next? 


Pattern: @dropsdesign Prairie Fairy Jumper
Yarn: Merino 
Shop: QZLKnit 
Size: 5-6 years old 


Although I am knitting this whole merino collection for kids, I would be more than happy to make them in any size, colour and yarn. 


#knit #knitting #knitter #knitwear #knittingdesigner #knittingaddict #knittersgonnaknit #cream #theentrelacman #guyswhoknit #guysthatknit #knittersofinstagram #knittinginspiration #handmadewithjoy  #fairisle #fairislesweater #prairiefairyjumper  #kidsfairisle 


#creating #joy

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